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Birdwalk Highlights for 1/4: Broad Cove Preserve, Cumberland.

On a chilly, but fairly calm morning, a walk at Broad Cove yielded a nice mix of landbirds and seaosnal waterbirds. Beginning with a cooperative RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH and ended with a confiding GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET, landbirds included at least 3 CAROLINA WRENS, 2 RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS, and 24 AMERICAN ROBINS amongst the more regular winter woods and edge birds: 8 AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES, 6 BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEES, 4 NORTHERN CARDINALS, 2 each of HAIRY and DOWNY WOODPECKERS, and at least two WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCHES.

Down on the water, we were treated to a drake BARROW'S GOLDENEYE! Decent numbers of the more expected waterbirds here included: 100 BUFFLEHEADS, 73 MALLARDS with 69 AMERICAN BLACK DUCKS and two HYBRIDS thereof, 64 CANADA GEESE, 30 COMMON EIDER, 30 HERRING GULLS, 25 COMMON GOLDENEYES, 20 LONG-TAILED DUCKS, 9 COMMON LOONS, 8 SURF SCOTERS, and at least 2 RING-BILLED GULLS.

A quick stop at the Lower Falls Landing in Yarmouth added a BELTED KINGFISHER and a BALD EAGLE to the list, another dozen each of Common Goldeneyes and Mallards, but the highlight was the flock of 138 American Robins in a tight flock overhead.

Four HOODED MERGANSERS and 2 RED-TAILED HAWKS padded the list further on the drive back.


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