The Bradbury Mountain Spring Hawkwatch
Bradbury Mountain State Park, Pownal, Maine
Founded 2007
Sponsored by:
Freeport Wild Bird Supply
541 Route One, Freeport, ME
March 15 to May 15, 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm

The Bradbury Mountain Hawkwatch was initiated by Jeannette and Derek Lovitch in 2007 in order to quantify the extent and duration of the northbound raptor flight over Bradbury Mountain State Park (Click here for directions)
Situated at the northern terminus of Maine's coastal plain, we have been surprised by the concentration of birds that occurs. The second highest spring tally on the Eastern seaboard passes here as birds make a decision to move inland, up the river valleys, or make a turn to the East. We have re-written the books on the status of Red-shouldered Hawks in the state and are at the forefront of the continued range expansions of several species. We are also positioned perfectly to aid in the understanding of the apparent declines of species such as Sharp-shinned Hawks and American Kestrels. And sprinkle in a few rarities that have included Golden Eagles, Mississippi and Swallow-tailed Kites.

As important as the data are, however, we believe that the outreach and education potential of a hawkwatching site is exceptional. Therefore, the Volunteer Hawk Counter that is hired each season not only collects data, but engages the public, educate, and share the joys of hawkwatching with all. Please join us and our Official Counter on top of the hill!
Daily counts of all raptor and vulture species are submitted to the Hawk Migration Association of North America, and posted to the BirdHawk listserve.
For daily counts and previous season's data from Bradbury Mountain visit